As Precise as Getting Tested at Your Doctor’s Office

Trusted by 400+ doctors with over 40,000 kits processed… and counting!

Post Vasectomy Testing from Home

The British Andrology Society’s recommended guidelines are that vasectomy patients should submit a semen specimen between 16 to 20 weeks after surgery for sperm detection, and a second specimen two to four weeks later. But published studies show that up to 46% of vasectomy patients do not submit a specimen and up to 79% do not submit the recommended second specimen (The British Journal of Urology).

These poor rates are attributed to the inconvenience and discomfort of having to hand-deliver and/or produce a sample for analysis in a doctor’s office or a laboratory (“Postvasectomy Semen Analysis: Are Men Following Up?”, Christensen and Maples).

A PVSA ™ kit allows you to collect a semen sample (via masturbation or intercourse) in your home and mail it to the laboratory for a sperm count using the included mailing label. You’ll receive the PVSA kit(s) in a discreet package at home.

96% of patients surveyed agree PVSA is easy and convenient to use!

Better Quality Results

In a 2022 publication, analyses of 5,408 post-vasectomy semen specimens reveal that there is no need for at least 95% of men undergoing vasectomy to return a fresh semen specimen to a laboratory or the doctor’s office. (A new approach to postvasectomy semen analyses eliminates the need to evaluate a fresh specimen)

The PVSA kit’s patented fixative solution stabilizes the semen specimen and eliminates the time sensitivity between sample collection and analysis. Each PVSA specimen is individually examined with a standard hemacytometer by a trained laboratory technician and archived for one year.

Recommended PVSA Protocol

The British Andrology Society reviewed the vasectomy literature and published their recommended guidelines:

  1. Patients should use alternate methods of birth control for at least 16 weeks post vasectomy.
  2. Men should ejaculate at least 24 times in that 16 week period, then submit a semen specimen for sperm detection.
  3. They should submit a second specimen two weeks later.


  1. If sperm are detected, repeat semen analyses should be performed until no sperm are present. If semen specimens contain 100,000 sperm/ml, either moving or not moving, a repeat vasectomy may be indicated.
  2. A repeat analysis at one year post vasectomy will help ensure re-canalization did not occur.

How to Order PVSA

Ready to get started? Order today!

Additional inquiries: pvsa@bedfordresearch.org; Ph 617-623-7447; Fx 617-623-9447.

The Bedford Research Foundation laboratory performs tests. Kits are manufactured and sold by Anderson Biotest, LLC.